Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Thrifty Thinking: SaveUp

Are you looking for extra incentive to save? SaveUp is a new website that's been featured in Forbes and TechCrunch, among other places, and is a free program that rewards you when you save. It’s available to anyone who banks at more than 18,000 financial institutions including Bank of America, American Express, Citibank, Chase, Wells Fargo and Wachovia.

Basically, every time you deposit money into savings, 401k or retirement account; pays your mortgage, loan or credit card bills; or engages with the educational financial content on the site; you're rewarded with credits that can be redeemed for a chance to win prizes that range from retail gift cards and consumer electronics, to luxury vacations, home/fashion make-overs; to money for college, a new car or a $2million monthly jackpot drawing.

It's free, so the prizes come from ad revenue or direct sponsorship from major consumer brands like Virgin America, Banana Republic, GameStop and others. And even if you don't win a prize, you'll still “win” financially.

If you're looking for a little extra jump-start for a saving-money resolution in 2012, check out SaveUp.

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