Thursday, November 16, 2023

Caring Connections - Gen Z Caregiving Report

 It's a common narrative that Generation Z is often branded as lazy, entitled, and self-absorbed. However, a forthcoming study from paints a different picture, one that underscores this generation's capacity for empathy and family commitment.
In a comprehensive survey of 1,500 adults spanning multiple generations, the results highlight a significant gap between the caregiving intentions of young adults and the expectations of their parents, as well as a gap in understanding and discussion of the costs involved:
  • 72% of Gen Z plan to be a caregiver for their parents in the future
  • 60% of Gen Z plan to financially support their parents’ senior care
  • Only 16% of Gen Z and 20% of Gen X and Baby Boomers know how much senior care costs
  • Fewer than 40% of Gen X and Baby Boomer parents have talked to their children about their potential future care needs
The 2023 Caring report about Gen Z’s role in planning for their parents’ care is set for release on November 13, 2023. We are reaching out to the media ahead of time to ensure comprehensive coverage is available at launch.
You can preview the report here:

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